We are reinventing ourselves

Looking back on more than 25 years and hundreds of exciting articles in print format of our previous journal Umweltpsychologie, we are making a switch to two more accessible and future-oriented formats:

Scientific journal with Diamond Open Access

Starting 2024, Environmental Psychology Open (EPO) is our online-only, Diamond Open Access journal. This means that neither readers nor authors will have to pay for publications in our journal. Submissions can be made via an online submission system and fully processed articles will be published instantly. Although the journal now has an English name, we will continue to welcome articles in German. A particular focus of Environmental Psychology Open is the promotion of Open Science practices (e.g. by offering Registered Reports and Open Science Badges). We want to continue to offer both younger and experienced scientists in environmental psychology and related fields a publication opportunity for their scientific work, adapted to current scientific requirements. Contributions from people who work with environmental psychology concepts in practice are also still very welcome.

Please find more information on the journal – and instructions for authors – at the new journal website: https://epo.journals.qucosa.de/.

We are currently working at full speed on the technical implementation of our new magazine format. As soon as we have completed this work, we look forward to receiving your submissions. You will soon receive up-to-date information on the status of our work here.

Application-related web platform

At the same time, we want to offer more information on the subject and current research for people who

  • are interested in environmental psychology as part of their studies and training
  • want to use insights from environmental psychology in their day-to-day work - be it for municipal projects, interventions in companies or in policy-making
  • are scientifically involved in other fields but want to take (environmental) psychological aspects into account
  • are interested in psychological insights as part of their commitment to climate, environmental and nature conservation

We are currently discussing various possible formats for this. You will soon receive up-to-date information on the status of our work here.


To be kept in the loop on further developments, please subscribe to our newsletter.

Read our legacy publication

The journal content from issue 2/2000 until the last issue of 2023 is marketed by Pabst Science Publishers.
Contact: Eichengrund 28, D-49525 Lengerich, Tel. + 49 5484 308, Fax + 49 5484 550, pabst.publishers@t-online.de.

Free access

All contributions published before issue 2/2000 and the introductions to all issues are available for free.
Many university libraries offer free access to all journal content at wiso.

Paid access

PDF files of single papers can be ordered from Genios. Genios also offers a search within all back issues.
To subscribe to the journal on paper or to order single back issues, please place an order with Pabst Science Publishers.

Editorial team

  • Dr. Nicole Bauer, Birmensdorf (CH)
  • Dr. Anke Blöbaum, Magdeburg und Köln (DE)
  • Dr. Elisabeth Dütschke, Karlsruhe (DE)
  • Prof. Dr. Daniel Hanss, Darmstadt (DE)
  • Dr. Mathias Hofmann, Dresden (DE)
  • Prof. Dr. Andreas Homburg, Darmstadt (DE)
  • Dr. Florian Lange, Leuven (BE)
  • Dr. Dörte Martens, Berlin (DE)
  • Dr. Kathrin Röderer, Wien (AT)

Website archive

If you want to revisit our old website, you may consider checking the Internet Archive Wayback Machine.